Names: Lim/Liminal, Tenages, Michael/Mikey
Pronouns: he/it
Therian and fictionkin

- Basic DNI criteria
- Curator x Narrator profiles (discomfort)
- Proshippers, MAPs, zoophiles
- Anti-otherkin in any way
- People below the age of 13
- Countryhuman fans.
- Endo systems
- IDC i'll be blocking you anyway.
(Do not call me popular or "famous", it weirds me out and makes me uncomfortable.)

Info on kintypes/fictionkin

Interests: TSP/TSPUD, liminal spaces, Portal, DHMIS, FNAF, MLP, Little Nightmares, The Beginner's Guide, Dr. Langeskov, Superliminal + more